Steel City Review the Universal Seraphon Cards

Intro Ok you guys know the drill, below you will find the ultimate, impartial and always objectively correct review on the latest universal cards. With Games Workshop being kind enough to spoil them all ahead of time, legitimately I like that they do this, I have been slaving over my Steel City type-writer as much... Continue Reading →

Reviewing the Universal cards from Khagra’s Ravagers

Intro Unfortunately I lack Tom's unique sense of humour (Thank God - Oli), so this article is going to be a completely straight faced and utterly objective, factual assessment of the universal cards found in the Khagars Ravagers expansion for Warhammer Underworlds. Without even the slightest hint of a poop joke. If you are after... Continue Reading →

Warband Review: The Dread Pageant

I’m reviewing the warband featuring the Big Daddy Sexy Monster, and boy are they are a breath of fresh air. Their fighters have a range of profiles and uses, their cards facilitate multiple play styles. Their cow demon has a lobster claw. Let’s get HYPE!

Feeding the Beastgrave

Opening Spiel With the recent (ish) release of the Morgok’s Krushas expansion we saw the introduction of a very interesting objective, a 5 glory end phase card called Feed the Beastgrave that incentivises you for either removing or flipping all of the objective tokens in the game. This article is going to dive into the... Continue Reading →

Shade Glass Reforged

Opening Excuses Heads up - this is a pretty short article just giving a general update on blog stuff - with a small surprise at the end. I'm aware that this blog is becoming about as regular as Sepsimus’s bowl movements, so I’m going to take a couple of moments to let you all know... Continue Reading →

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